Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Be informed when you vote in November!

Everyone who votes this November should clearly know what your City Commissioner, Jamie Curran, is up to and how he misrepresents his constituents in Cooper City. Below are excerpts taken from Mr. Curran's statements under oath  which clearly indicate that Jamie does not perform any or very little “due diligence” to inform himself on city issues before he casts a vote.

If you are a concerned voter, attached is Mr. Curran’s deposition where in you can see for YOURSELF that he has, under oath, admitted that he does not often do any research, read or study the resolutions that he votes on.  He simply relies on staff to fill his head with information of their choosing rather than do his own research.

Contrary to his campaign slogan "Curran Works", Mr. Curran does NOT work for the resident/taxpayers, rather he lets others do the work that we assume he should be doing himself. Mr. Curran skates by on the shoulders of the city staff. While that might appear to be ok for some people, Commissioner Curran lets others do the work that he has been elected to do. Over the recent years it has been obvious Mr. Curran by his testimony shows that he does NOT have a basic working knowledge of the city budget!

I hope that you will take a few minutes to read the following lines from Mr. Curran's deposition. It is a real eye opener.  
 Your vote can and will have an impact the future of our Cooper City!!!
Excerpts from the  Deposition of James C. Curran, Commissioner Cooper City Dist.4

THE WITNESS:  I wouldn't know how to answer that question only for one reason.


Q.    What is that?

A. I rely heavily on staff, Horacio and the City manager for their advice on this. I'm not an expert in it.

Q. As a commissioner, do you think you have a responsibility to become fully informed or are you entitled to just rely on what your City staff says?

A.    I rely on my staff.

Q.    Do you do any kind of research yourself? Do you read the resolutions?

A. Some.                                                                            

Q.    There are times when you may be voting on something that you haven't read fully?

 A.    On some resolutions.

Q.    How about on the resolutions for 2008 and 2009 which you voted on?   

 A.    I wouldn't remember.  I can't recall.

Q. If you have a concern that maybe the information you are getting from one source isn't completely accurate, would you go to any place else to get better information?

 A.    No.

 Q.    You wouldn't?     

A.    I would not leave this office over the City manager for anything.        

Q.    So you're completely reliant upon --       

A.    Completely.       

Q.    When you say City manager, do you mean the entire staff?       

A.    Yes    

Q.    That includes Mr. Montes de Oca?       

A.    Yes.       

Q.    And the City's attorneys?       

A.    Yes.

Q. When you voted for the resolution in the year 2008, other than what you have told us, did you go back to inform yourself about what the resolution was based on?

A.    Once again, I relied on the City manager, the finance manager and the staff.  

A.    I relied on the staff for all my information when I met with staff.

BY MR. FRANKEL(attorney for the Plaintiff) Q.    All right.  But by voting for this, do you agree that you agreed that the resolution constitutes the Final Assessment Resolution as defined in Ordinance No. 99-7-1?

MR. MANDEL:  Object to form.



Q.    You don't agree with that?      

 A.    No.      

 Q.    Even though it's in here, you don't agree with that?

 A.    Just leave it at no.Q. Can I ask you honestly, if you had known any of what was discussed here in the last few minutes at the time, would you have still voted for it?           

 MR. MANDEL:  Object to form.           


Q.    Would it be a fair statement to say that you really don't understand the intricacies of the City's budget?

A.    Sure.       

Q.    That's a fair statement?       

A.    Yes

[No further excerpts are shown.]

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Attention Seniors

As the political season is now reaching a more visible point much can be said and many are vocal quite about it. As to Cooper City there are really just a few  but very important issues to consider.

They range from the election of a commissioner from the 4th district to changes of some significance to the city charter to the Florida ballot of Amendments. I will be writing on all of these issues.

There is a very important one, Amendment 5. Is says “an amendment to the State Constitution to revise the homestead tax exemption that may be granted by counties or municipalities for property with just value less than $250,000 owned by certain senior, low-income, long-term residents to specify that just value is determined in the first tax year the owner applies and is eligible for the exemption. The amendment takes effect January 1, 2017, and applies retroactively to exemptions granted before January 1, 2017.

Cooper City currently offers that exemption as previous enacted by law. What is really the important points are two fold, one the exemption automatically applies to those who currently are exempted and secondly, the dollar exemption (value of the property) is set such that it remains in place regardless of any future increases.

What this means to many seniors is that they will be protected and able to enjoy their homes for many, many years to come without the fear of the raising property taxes that all of us know will surely happen.

I wrote this as I received an email from Amy Rosen with the request that I present it to all of the many readers of the Cooper City Blog. I encourage all to vote for this important issue to the ever growing segment of the citizens of Cooper City.